Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is HTML ?

This is a markup language  which is use to develop web pages.
HTML has been introduce in 1999.
HTML stand for Hyper Text Markup Language  
This language will be written in a text editor  
                                                             eg :- Notepad,Wordpad
                       All the HTML command are called as HTML Tags.The command should given withing Less Than " <  " and Greater Than " > " sign.
                 < command >

                 There are 2 types of tags.
 01) Starting Tag
                                   Starting tag will be use to instruct the web browser that the user wants to perform a perticler instruction. 
                < command >
eg :- <HTML>

02)Ending Tag
                         To inform the web browser that the user wants to finish the necessary action that has been perform we use this stop tag.
                </ command >
eg :- </HTML> 
Click here learn HTML tags